Friday, March 3, 2017


President Trump gave a heartwarming first address to Congress last Tuesday. As I expected, Republicans loved it and Democrats hated it. The President’s tribute to Carryn Owens, widow of U.S. Navy Seal William Ryan Owens, brought tears to the eyes of millions. It was a powerful moment watching his widow, tears streaming down her face. She clearly appreciated her husband’s service being recognized by the President of our country. Many claimed Trump had exploited her, yet many Democrats brought undocumented immigrants with them. What point were they making? Weren’t they exploiting the undocumented for their own agenda. Then there were those who said he should have apologized for Owens death. Maybe he should have--along with Obama for planning the mission in the first place. No, Trump didn’t have to execute it, but he did. I never heard them demanding an apology from Obama and Clinton over Benghazi and Ambassador Chris Stevens’s death. All I heard was Stevens was in Benghazi because of his own choosing and knew the risks. I am sure Owens knew the risks, too, and would have completed the mission no matter whose administration authorized it.

President Trump received such a positive response after his address. Perhaps he gave many a more positive outlook on his Presidency. Democrats, instead of deciding to close party lines and work alongside him for the good of all, decided to continue their attempts to destroy his administration.

The new attack on Jeff Sessions is just another way of the Democrats continuing the path they are on.   During his confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign, not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee. Sessions last year had more than 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian and German ambassadors, in addition to Kislyak. Wasn’t that his job?

Frankly I am very tired of the Russian's are coming message the Dems keep pushing. Saying that Russia cost Clinton the election is insane. Yes, they hacked into the DNC because they FAILED to protect their own computers. However, what they uncovered proved what a nasty woman Hillary Rodham Clinton was. Her private emails revealed how corrupt and inept she is. Pretending that they didn’t matter is an outrage to everyone with a brain. If that cost her the election, then she deserved to lose.

Claims now that Obama had all this information during his presidency but did not release it trouble me even more. What was his motive? If Clinton had been elected, would we be hearing any of this now. My conclusion is Obama wanted to hold onto it just in case she lost and use it (in the way they are doing now) to sabotage the Trump administration.

I don’t care who talked to who. There was no such outrage when then-President Barack Obama leaned into then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and whispered he would have “more flexibility” to work with Russia after the 2012 Election.  Medvedev immediately delivered that message to Putin.

What about Hillary Clinton’s State Department approving the transfer of 20% of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation? Bill Clinton received $500,000 in 2010 for a speech in Moscow from a Russian investment bank that had ties to the Kremlin and nobody blinked an eye.  Her Pay- for- Play Clinton foundation is now dismantled, because her power to give her donors what they want is gone.  Doesn’t that prove what was going on all along?

The Democratic Party has now turned into a disgusting and embarrassing bunch of sore losers, who are not working for us because they are too busy trying to fight the Trump administration no matter what Trump does. Trying to scare us with “the Russians are coming” is all the fight they have left.

What is happening is a modern version of McCarthyism. In the 1950’s Senator Joseph McCarthy was able to whip up hysteria in America by making accusations of subversion and/or treason without proper regard for evidence.  He made unfair allegations and used unfair investigative techniques in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.  Thousands of Americans were accused of being Communists or Communist sympathizers and were aggressively investigated and questioned before government, private-industry panels, committees, and agencies. Many people lost their jobs and careers, destroyed, and many were imprisoned. Most of these convictions were later overturned when they were declared unconstitutional and illegal.

To the Hollywood elite, I ask you this. Do you remember, or have you ever bothered to read about, the Hollywood blacklist. Three former FBI agents published a magazine, Counterattack, and, in June 1950, the bible of the graylist, Red Channels: The Report of Communist Influence in Radio and Television. Over 500 people from the entertainment industry were black or graylisted.

To those doing this same thing to their colleagues:

               "The film industry is a great industry with infinite possibilities for good and bad. Its primary purpose is to entertain people. On the side, it can do many other things. It can popularize certain ideals, it can make education palatable. But in the long run, the judge who decides whether what it does is good or bad is the man or woman who attends the movies. In a democratic country, I do not think the public will tolerate a removal of its right to decide what it thinks of the ideas and performances of those who make the movie industry work."__Eleanor Roosevelt - Her newspaper column, "My Day," October 29, 1947
Final thoughts:

Trump is OUR President. Like it or not, get over it and move on to helping our country instead of continuing to divide it. Stop deciding that what is right for you is right for everyone. Work with our government to do what is right for the majority.  Peacefully protest if you need to, but allow those that do not share your viewpoint to do so as well. Go to town rallies and listen to the speaker, then object if you feel he is wrong, but at least hear him/her out. Right now many are seeing your groups as a bunch of noise and tuning you out.  The best way to get your point across is to stop yelling and let us listen to your concerns. If not …well…then I change the channel, and I as well as others aren’t listening……….

                 “We’re not going to get the contradictions, we’re not going to get the facts, we’re not going to get the real story underlying it. We’re living in an age where what you say and its relation with the facts is completely irrelevant, as we see in the presidential campaign. And it’s carrying over into the hearings.” __Charles Krauthammer, Fox News contributor

 Bob Responds

Oh, Sis, Sis, Sis. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Your puppy-love for Trump just reminds me daily how much younger you are than me. So innocent. So easily captivated by politicians who "say what they think", even when what they think comes out of their mouths as incomprehensible blather. Your normal critical thinking skills melt away, and your brain tilts in its warm fluid with a cannabis-like high brought about by your awe of the most powerful man in the world getting away with his daily spewing of nonsense.

Still, I do share your rebuke of this Trump/Putin BFF 24/7 cable news/Deep State propaganda: a satanic partnership craving war with Russia, but seriously weakened when their warhawk regime-change loving (Libya-Syria) lady-friend lost to Trump. Trump would rather do business with the Ruskies than fight with them, but the Deep State will not abide him standing in the way of World War III. So, just as the Deep State manufactured the propaganda of WMDs and forced its puppet Bush and New York Times to lie the nation into war with Iraq, the press, without a compliant president, is left alone this time to build-up the spirit of Americans for one last civilization-ending war. Only this time the president won’t mouth the Deep State’s lies, so the Deep State has no choice but to lie about him to depose him.

And I even agree with you on Attorney-General Sessions, that there is no there there.

Where I must part ways, however, with you, Cathy, is your assessment of Trump’s presidential stature in delivering the State of the Union Address. “Heart-warming” is not the description I would use. “Chilling” would be more apt. Certainly the tears and obvious dispair of Carryn Owens over the death of her Navy Seal husband William made my own eyes fill with tears and made my heart ache for her.
But my contempt for the man (who so casually and recklessly sent William Ryan Owens into fatal battle) was only stoked higher when he prodded the widow to stand when she clearly hadn’t wanted to. And then Trump, always the showman, couldn’t help but gauge the worth of the Navy Seal’s life by the length of the applause his soul, looking down, could bask in.



  1. Cathy and Bob,
    Good job. Your blog is super.
    At one time I was a Dem (family tradition). I later found enlightenment (so I thought) and became a Rep. I have since come to realize both party leaders are made up of egotistical overgrown brats who think all members of the other party and dogs should keep off the capitol grass. The only reason I haven’t changed to independent is, well to tell the truth, I’ve been too lazy.
    As for the election, the Clinton machine had to be stopped, so I held my nose and connected the arrow beside Trump’s name. Only time will tell if that was a good move or whether I will turn my eyes upward and say, “Oh God! What did I do!”
    You both commented on the S O U address, and both have valid points.
    Cathy, thank you for pointing out the SEAL mission was planned by Obama.
    Bob, you are correct about the widow sitting in the beginning. I also questioned that. We do not know if it was in protest or is she wasn’t sure what she should do. I’m sure emotion clouded any sense of protocol.
    One thing that seems to be missed is not what happened during the speech, but what followed; namely the dem response. First of all do they not have someone better than an unknown ex governor to make the speech? Normally, it comes from a well known senator or an up and coming somebody. This washed up politician spent more time commenting on his own accomplishments than on his failed and slanted message. He spoke in favor of the Affordable Care Act (what a mis-nomer that has turned out to be), when the current governor of his own state has stated it is a failure and Kentuckians can’t afford it. As was mentioned, the health costs here in AZ have risen dramatically.
    By the way, I don’t believe the Russians are coming, but they ARE watching.
    Chuck Holsinger, Phoenix AZ
    P. S. Bob, play nice with your sister
