Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Maddow Got Punked by Trump

I try to remain objective. However, if I see bull I call it out no matter which side it's on. Rachel Maddow embarrassed herself last night. What was she thinking? Maddow said she had Donald trumps tax returns and acted like it was going to be a huge scandal instead it was just more fake news.

All Maddow proved is that President Trump is a successful businessman who paid millions in Taxes. He had actually paid $38 million in taxes on $153 million of income. That translates into a tax rate of around 25%. That is a much higher rate than Warren Buffet, Mitt Romney, Bernie Sanders and many many more wealthy Americans paid.

So, Rachel...thinking of revealing more of Trumps returns in the future? Please, for the sake of anyone with legitimate concerns, only show us something if there's really something to see. Otherwise, I hear Geraldo has found another vault ...perhaps it contains Trump's love letters to Putin....Go for it.

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